Factors Influencing Freshmen’s Acceptance of Online Learning: A Study at Hanoi University of Industry





online learning, higher education, measurement, students' acceptance


The sudden outbreak of Covid-19 has challenged Vietnamese educational systems, forcing educational institutions across the nation, especially universities and colleges, to shift to an online mode of teaching and learning. What has concerned Vietnamese educators and policymakers is the quality of these online teaching and learning activities. Blayone (2018), Cigdem and Ozturk (2016) as well as Wei and Chou (2020) shared the belief that the acceptance of students decided the success of online teaching and learning. However, only a little research has been done so far on Vietnamese students' acceptance of online learning. Therefore, this quantitative study focuses on determining factors influencing freshmen's acceptance of online learning at Hanoi University of Industry, thus identifying their acceptance level of online learning. Data was collected by a survey with the use of random sampling and the participation of language-majored students from the Hanoi University of Industry. The collected data was quantitatively processed with the employment of SPSS. The results indicate that freshmen’s acceptance of online learning is affected by four main factors, including performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude, and technological competencies. With respect to the research findings, several implications are suggested for effective online learning and teaching in Vietnam.

Author Biographies

  • Trinh Hong Linh, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

    Trinh Hong Linh is currently a Ph.D. student at Vietnam National University, University of Education and an English language lecturer at the University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, and a Ph.D. student at VNU - University of Education. Her research interest is in English language teaching as well as assessment and measurement.

  • Pham Duc Long, Hanoi University of Industry, Ha Noi, Vietnam

    Pham Duc Long is a Ph.D. student at Vietnam National University, University of Education, Ha Noi, Vietnam. His research interests include university and enterprise partnerships, language learning, and employability development. He has worked at the Center for Enterprise Partnership, Hanoi University of Industry for seven years to support students with preparing employability skills to meet the labor market.

  • Phan Van Viet, Testing and Training, Education Assurance Section, Political Officers University, Ha Noi, Vietnam

    Phan Van Viet works in the Testing and Training, Education Assurance Section of Political Officers University, Ha Noi, Vietnam. He is also a Master's student at Vietnam National University, University of Education, Ha Noi, Vietnam. His research interest is in assessment and measurement as well as quality assurance.

  • Nguyen Ha Trang, National Testing Center, Ministry of Education and Training, Ha Noi,Vietnam

    Nguyen Ha Trang is currently a master's student in Educational Measurement and Assessment at Vietnam National University - University of Education. Her main job is as an expert in the examination and evaluation department, National Testing Center, Ministry of Education and Training.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Trinh, H. L., Pham, D. L., Phan, V. V., & Nguyen, H. T. (2022). Factors Influencing Freshmen’s Acceptance of Online Learning: A Study at Hanoi University of Industry. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(5), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.22251

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