The Effects of Using Online Applications to Teach Vocabulary to English Learners of HUFI in Ho Chi Minh City




mobile apps, teaching and learning vocabulary, technological advances, vocabulary retention.


This research aims at analyzing the outcome and effectiveness of applying several mobile apps or websites to teach and learn vocabulary in a particular university in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). Under the era of technological bloom and advances in mobile applications, teaching and learning English is certainly facilitated by these tools; as a result, many teachers use some apps, such as Kahoot, Quizlet, Quizizz, and so forth. In order to engage their students to learn and review lexical resources. This paper discusses how deeply and effectively online apps influence the way Vietnamese teachers teach lexicon to students and how they should be used in further context to maximize the efficacy of teaching new words. In this article, the author uses semi-structured interviews with six different interviewees who are currently lecturers at HUFI university in HCM city. This embraces questions about frequency, efficiency, self-judgment, and their ideas about this issue. Results indicate that vocabulary learning apps have a strikingly profound and meaningful impact on teaching and learning, facilitating students' learning process and enhancing vocabulary retention. The study also provides recommendations for the use of mobile applications in teaching vocabulary.

Author Biography

  • Nguyen Thanh Huyen, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam

    Huyen Nguyen Thanh has been a lecturer of HCMC University of Food Industry since January 2021. She graduated from HCMC University of Pedagogy, Vietnam, majored in English Language Teaching. She has been teaching English for nearly 10 years, with students varying from different levels and ages. Currently, she is showing her interests in the field of education and English language teaching at universities.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, T. H. (2022). The Effects of Using Online Applications to Teach Vocabulary to English Learners of HUFI in Ho Chi Minh City. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(3), 32-42.

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