Revisiting Lifelong Learning and Its Practices in Vietnam




lifelong learning, Vietnam, education, policies


Education is an indispensable sector for a country's sustainable development. To maintain its continuity, government-based policies and related stakeholders in learning need to be considered to promote lifelong learning. This narrative literature review addresses international concepts of lifelong learning in Europe and how it has been implemented in Vietnam. The findings indicated that Vietnam faced more challenges than other developed countries, and some factors impacted LLL in Vietnam, such as legal frameworks, facilities, foreign language literacy, etc. The review also provided discussions for lifelong learning in Vietnam.

Author Biography

  • Phan Thi Kim Thao, CiY Viet Nam Training and Service Trading Company Limited, Vietnam

    Thao PTK is an English-major lecturer and researcher in Vietnam. She completed her bachelor’s degree in English Linguistics and Literature and the master’s degree in TESOL. Her research has been published in international journals. Currently, she is a peer- reviewer and editor for research journals based on Vietnam and Southern East Asia. Her main interests comprise Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Technology in ELT, and Language Testing and Assessment.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Phan, T. K. T. (2022). Revisiting Lifelong Learning and Its Practices in Vietnam. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(1), 47-63.

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