Students’ Attitude Towards Using Smartphones and Portable Devices for Studying Writing


  • Trung M. Le Dong Nai Technology University


MALL, Writing, CALL


Mobile devices are now ubiquitous, which leads to a load of sequences, including mobile-assisted language learning (MALL). This notion has attracted various scholars to research so as to provide a spotlight on it for better exploitation. This study aims to shed light on the students' perception of the usefulness of mobile learning toward writing in terms of searching information and fluency, which did not support the spotlight in traditional study. The participants are the students coming from the English faculty of Dong Nai Technology University; they were at least sophomores with the obliged condition of being experienced in writing courses.  Data collection from the questionnaire was conducted randomly by the students. The survey revealed that the learners enjoy m-learning as this framework performs well in helping students with information reaching. Besides, the research also indicates that the MALL system provides writing learners opportunities to enhance the ability to generate text regarding accuracy and fluency.

Author Biography

  • Trung M. Le, Dong Nai Technology University

    The author has experience in instructing English for over ten years, now he is in the phase of studying master degree at Dong Nai Technology University, Viet Nam. So far, the topic of collaborative writing as well as the effectiveness of MALL have stimulated the writer.


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How to Cite

Le, M. T. (2021). Students’ Attitude Towards Using Smartphones and Portable Devices for Studying Writing. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(3), 54-64.

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