Online Teaching Satisfaction amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Vietnamese Higher Education Context




COVID-19, teacher satisfaction, higher education, Vietnam


The COVID-19 pandemic has forced most higher education institutions around the globe to move their teaching and learning to online modes. This has had enormous impacts on teachers, especially those with limited experience in online teaching. This study was conducted to identify significant predictors of teacher satisfaction and their live online teaching experience during the coronavirus pandemic in Vietnam. The study used a mixed-methods approach with exploratory factor analysis, multiple regression techniques, and thematic analytical strategies to analyze survey data from 206 Vietnamese university lecturers. The study results indicated that online interaction, support from the institution, technology-related issues, and students' online efficacy were the key factors affecting lecturer satisfaction. In addition, the study results offer practical implications for educational managers in their long-term investment in online education in a developing country context.

Author Biographies

  • Thach Ngoc Pham, Board of Trustees, Hanoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Thach Ngoc Pham is the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hanoi University, Vietnam. He has nearly 30 years of teaching English at different levels of study and in different environments: in class, online, on television and radio. Thach Ngoc Pham completed his Ph.D. at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia early 2015. His strong interests are in using technologies for English language teaching and learning, university governance, educational knowledge management, educational material development and teacher training.

  • Hong Van Nghiem, Faculty of Japanese Studies, Hanoi University, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Hong Van Nghiem is the Dean of the Japanese Studies Department, Hanoi University, Vietnam. She has nearly 20 years of teaching Japanese at different levels at some language universities in Vietnam. She has chaired and participated in several major language-related projects of the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training, such as the National Foreign Language Project. Hong Van Nghiem completed her Master's Degree at Osaka University, Japan, in 2010 and her Doctoral Degree at the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences in 2018. Van’s strong interests are in linguistics, especially cognitive linguistics, teaching methods, and ICT application in language teaching.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Pham, N. T., & Nghiem, H. V. (2022). Online Teaching Satisfaction amid the Covid-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Vietnamese Higher Education Context. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(1), 310-326.

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