Using TBLT Framework in Technology-mediated Environments to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary Retention and Interpreting Skills




vocabulary retention, LMS platform, code-mixing, TBLT


Interpretation is a demanding skill, especially for specific fields in business such as marketing, accounting, trading, etc. Students majoring in Business English Language at Van Lang University reported that they are faced with the dilemma of choosing the right definition for a keyword. This has prevented them from understanding and analyzing the message before rendering it into the target language. To remedy the problem, vocabulary quizzes were administered on the university's Learning Management System (LMS) platform. The focus is on enhancing vocabulary retention. The course followed the Tase-Based Language Teaching (TBLT) framework to maximize the comprehension of the context of the vocabulary and the students. Code-mixing was used to design vocabulary quizzes. The study is a quantitative experiment with the aim of finding a correlation between the use of TBLT and the improvement of students in their vocabulary retention. The results indicate that there is a direct and positive connection between them.

Author Biography

  • Dinh Huynh Mai Tu, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

    Dinh Huynh Mai Tu is currently a lecturer of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Van Lang University. Her research interests lie in applications of technology within the classroom. In particular, she focuses on vocabulary acquisition and how the process can be enhanced via technology. She believes that having a quality educational design will facilitate a greater learning experience for students.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Dinh, H. M. T. (2022). Using TBLT Framework in Technology-mediated Environments to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary Retention and Interpreting Skills . International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(2), 201-215.

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