The Survey of Digital Transformation in Education: A Systematic Review




Digital transformation, Education, Teaching methods, Learning experiences


This study addresses a gap in the literature regarding the implementation of digital strategies in educational institutions, particularly universities. Despite significant advancements in the development of digital strategies, there remains a lack of commitment and vision for their effective implementation. This study systematically reviewed the literature to evaluate digital transformation in education across three dimensions: campus environment, teaching methods, and learning experiences. Employing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis guidelines, this study identified ten pertinent articles for thematic analysis. These findings highlight the critical role of digital transformation in various aspects such as data collection, management, academic advising, and personalized learning, revealing a trend towards improved educational outcomes through blended learning, video conferencing, AR/VR, and adaptive learning technologies. This research underscores the transformative impact of digital strategies on education, suggesting a paradigm shift in teaching/learning methods, emphasizing the need for educational institutions to embrace these changes proactively.

Author Biographies

  • Bui Trong Tai, TNU - University of Sciences, Viet Nam

    Dr. Bui Trong Tai graduated with a doctorate in public policy at the Academy of Social Sciences, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences in 2023. Currently he is a lecturer at TNU - University of Sciences, Vietnam, majoring in management science and policy. Main research directions include: management science, educational policy, science and technology, religion, politics.

  • Nguyen Truong Son, TNU - University of Sciences, Viet Nam

    Nguyen Truong Son is currently a doctoral student at the School of Measurement and Evaluation in Education at the University of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, currently working at at TNU - University of Sciences, Vietnam, with a research direction. Main research: measurement and evaluation, education quality check, university ranking.


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Literature Review

How to Cite

Bui, T. T., & Nguyen, T. S. (2023). The Survey of Digital Transformation in Education: A Systematic Review. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(4), 32-51.

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