Students’ Perceptions on Using Rubrics as a Peer and Self-Assessment Tool in EFL Speaking Courses




Self-ssessment; peer assessment, rubrics, speaking performance


This study explores how rubrics can be used as a tool for students to self-assess and peer-assess their speaking performance in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes by examining the perceptions of freshmen English language teaching majors (N=96). Data was collected using a survey questionnaire consisting of 38 questions organized into six clusters, covering the quality of rubrics, their usefulness in assignment preparation, peer and self-assessment, language learning, quality of feedback, and challenges in utilizing them. After completing a listening and speaking module that included practice in using rubrics for peer and self-evaluation of speaking performances, students were asked to rate their perceptions on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from "totally disagree" to "totally agree". Consistent with previous research in the same area, the findings suggest that students perceive rubrics to be of high quality and useful. However, the study also highlights the challenges that students face while using rubrics for peer and self-assessment, which is in contrast to the conclusions drawn by some other researchers.

Author Biographies

  • Dang Thi Nguyet, Faculty of Foreign languages, Hong Duc University, Vietnam

    Dang Thi Nguyet achieved her MA degree in applied linguistics at the University of Adelaide in Australia. She is currently working as the head of English skill development division at Faculty of Foreign languages, Hong Duc University in Vietnam. She has over 13-year experience in English language teaching. Her research interests are language teaching methodology, language testing and assessment and Technology and AI in language teaching and assessment.

  • Le Thi Huong, Faculty of Foreign languages, Hong Duc University, Vietnam
    MA. Le Thi Huong has been teaching English at Hong Duc University for over 10 years. Her research interests are teaching methodology, integrating technology into teaching and learning English and learner autonomy.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Dang, T. N., & Le, T. H. (2023). Students’ Perceptions on Using Rubrics as a Peer and Self-Assessment Tool in EFL Speaking Courses. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(3), 119-136.

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