The impacts of motivation and task types on L2 oral fluency development in higher education in Vietnam


  • Vo Nguyen Da Thao University of Foreign Languages, Hue University, Vietnam


oral fluency, task types, motivation


This study was conducted to investigate the impacts of motivation and task types on the development of L2 oral fluency in higher education in Vietnam. The quantitative method was employed to achieve this goal. The participants were thirteen teachers and thirty second-year students at the university. Questionnaires with close items for students and instructors and semi-structured interview questions for instructors were employed as data collection instruments. The results suggested that teachers consider that a student would be successful with proper motivation and the task success is just being motivated. In addition, the findings reveal that performance is, in general, statistically more fluent in dialogue but also indicate that performances in the two modes are not different. This article is a part of my dissertation project, which examines teachers and students' perspectives on the factors influencing the oral fluency of L2 students in universities in Vietnam.

Author Biography

  • Vo Nguyen Da Thao, University of Foreign Languages, Hue University, Vietnam

    Vo Nguyen Da Thao is an English teacher at VN-UK Institute for Research and Executive Education, The University of Da Nang, Vietnam. Also, she is currently a PhD student in TESOL at Hue University.  She has been teaching for seven years, and her research interest is in Second Language Acquisition, Language testing and assessment, and English for academic/specific purposes.


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How to Cite

Vo, N. D. T. (2021). The impacts of motivation and task types on L2 oral fluency development in higher education in Vietnam. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(3), 88-104.

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