The Effects of Collaborative Writing to Learners’ Text in terms of Writing Accuracy from Sociocultural Theory Perspective




collaborative writing, individual writing, writing accuracy


Collaborative Writing (CW) has stimulated scholars for years in order to shed light on the effects of this kind of activity, and in terms of writing fluency, some researchers succeeded in stating that writing in groups affects the quality of learners' texts. Nevertheless, the previous studies have not provided fully spotlight on the field of utilizing grammar and vocabulary correctly when students compose text with peers. The purpose of this study was to review the effects of CW to the learners’ work in terms of accuracy from the perspective of Sociocultural Theory (SCT).

Author Biography

  • Le Minh Trung, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Dong Nai Technology University, Vietnam

    The author has experiences in instructing English for over ten years, now he is in phase of studying master degree at Dong Nai Technology university, Viet Nam. So far, the topic of collaborative writing as well as the effectiveness of MALL have stimulated the writer.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Le, M. T. (2021). The Effects of Collaborative Writing to Learners’ Text in terms of Writing Accuracy from Sociocultural Theory Perspective. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(1), 54-62.

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