Navigating the Turbulent Time: A Qualitative Inquiry into Resilience among Vietnamese ESL Teachers during COVID-19




resilience, Covid-19 pandemic, ESL teachers, teacher retention, teacher burnout


The aim of this study is to explore the dynamics of the resilience process among Vietnamese ESL (English as the Second Language) university teachers during the Covid-19 pandemic. Specifically, this study investigated the interactions between risk factors and protective factors at both personal and contextual levels that shape teachers' resilience patterns. Fifteen teachers from different stages of teaching career participated in in-depth semi-structured interviews in qualitative research design, and the collected data were analyzed by means of a two-cycle analysis procedure. Findings of the study revealed two major risk factors, including turbulence and ambiguity and decreasing autonomous motivation. Despite this, teachers drew on three primary resources to adapt to the abrupt changes: positive imaginaries about the future, sense of professionalism, and relational resources. Analysis showed that these protective factors were located across personal level and microsystems; however, there were missing links for protective resources at institutional level, mesosystems, and macrosystems. Taking cognizance of this, the study emphasizes the role of transparent policies and school leadership in bolstering teachers’ resilience in adversities.

Author Biography

  • Pham Thi Thuy Trang, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

    Pham Thi Thuy Trang has been working for varied private and public universities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, for the last fifteen years, as an English Language Lecturer, Program Manager, and Curriculum Developer. She is a PhD candidate of University of Nottingham under the program of Educational Sciences and Teacher Training. Her research interests involve Internationalization of Higher Education, Global Citizenship Education, Curriculum development, and Teacher Professional development.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Pham, T. T. T. (2021). Navigating the Turbulent Time: A Qualitative Inquiry into Resilience among Vietnamese ESL Teachers during COVID-19. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(1), 40-53.

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