Fostering self-regulated learning in an online writing course: Challenges and solutions




self-regulated learning, online learning, writing skills


In this day and age, self-regulated learning (SRL), as a predictor of students’ academic success, has been dedicatedly fostered through online classrooms since virtual learning situationally dominated in the wake of the global pandemic. Given the prominence of implementing instructional practices to foster SRL and the possible challenges that emerged during its adaptation to the online learning platforms, the study aims to shed light on the hindrance in promoting SRL during online writing classes at Van Lang University. With the participation of 35 experienced EFL teachers at Van Lang University, quantitative data was collected from a questionnaire, and qualitative one was collected from a semi-structured interview. Quantitative results showed that developing a critical learner, a learning community, and promoting self–peer evaluation presented the most challenges to teachers. In addition, the practical suggestions gained from qualitative findings were useful for those aspiring to lay the groundwork for SRL during an online writing class. In essence, online learning could offer a chance to instill SRL in EFL learners with the right touch on appropriate instructional practices.

Author Biography

  • Truong Hong ngoc, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University, Vietnam

    Hong Ngoc Truong has been working as an EFL teacher for almost five years. She is currently teaching at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Van Lang University. Her research interest mainly focuses on TESOL.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Truong, H. N. (2023). Fostering self-regulated learning in an online writing course: Challenges and solutions. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(2), 1-13.

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