English as a Global Language: An Exploration of EFL Learners’ Beliefs in Vietnam





global language, international language, Vietnamese students, EFL learners, learners’ beliefs


In the era of globalization, the English language has been considered a global language that plays a vital role in many countries. This research paper discusses the beliefs of EFL learners related to the significance of English in Vietnamese contexts. These language perceptions consist of Vietnamese students' attitudes toward the importance of English in Vietnam, their motivations for learning English, and the status of English teaching and learning in Vietnam. Data collected from the questionnaire with the contribution of 514 participants from 4 universities in Ho Chi Minh City has been analyzed for shedding light on the issues of language beliefs. The results indicate that English is regarded as a prevalent international language. To have better job opportunities and to gain competitive advantages are the two main reasons why Vietnamese students learn English. The focus on exam-oriented teaching and learning of English, however, is still prominent in the educational environment in Vietnam. Finally, although communication in English is still a problem of Vietnamese EFL learners, English is expected to become a second language in Vietnam in the near future.

Author Biography

  • Ly Cong Khanh, Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam

    Ly Cong Khanh, also known as Khanh Cong Ly, is currently working as an English lecturer of the Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry (HUFI), Vietnam. He holds a master’s degree of Edith Cowan University (Australia) specializing in TESOL. At the moment, he is showing his interests in teaching English skills and curriculum evaluation. He can be reached at khanhlc@hufi.edu.vn or lykhanh.languagekey@gmail.com.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Ly, C. K. (2022). English as a Global Language: An Exploration of EFL Learners’ Beliefs in Vietnam. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 3(1), 19-33. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.23312

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