Using the internet for self-study to improve translation for English-majored seniors at Van Lang University


  • Bao Vy Nguyen Van Lang University
  • Thi Cam Thuy Ngo Van Lang University


translation, internet, self-study, translation errors, Vietnamese EFL context


These days, with the development of technological advances in translation, many students are still unable to utilize internet-assisted translation tools to deliver high-quality translation. As an English-majored student, I have noticed that some of my classmates use too few tools to help them while some others use tools in improper ways. Both situations can lead translators to produce many types of errors. Therefore, I found it necessary for me to research the potentialities of the internet in improving translation competence. 

In this study, I reviewed previous studies, detected translation errors, and examined the effectiveness of my two internet-assisted translation procedures. This research was conduct by both quantitative and qualitative approaches with translation tests, error analyses, interviews, and paired-sample t-tests.

As I expected, the results show that the internet can profoundly improve translation ability as the errors detected were significantly reduced. My findings indicate that if students know how to adapt the internet into their translation competence.

Author Biographies

  • Bao Vy Nguyen, Van Lang University

    Nguyen Bao Vy, a graduate of Van Lang University's Faculty of Foreign Languages in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, tested and discussed the potentialities of the internet and its tools in improving learners’ translation competence. The Faculty of Foreign Languages at Van Lang University was where she conducted this research as her graduation thesis.

  • Thi Cam Thuy Ngo, Van Lang University

    Ngo Thi Cam Thuy, M.A. and doctoral candidate in TESOL, is a lecturer of Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City. She has had more than 25 years teaching English- majoring students. She presented her Research at GloCALL 2019, AALA 2019, CAMTESOL 2020, OPENTESOL 2020, VIETTESOL 2020 and Asia CALL 2021. Her main interests include Professional Development, Methodology, Learner Autonomy, Language  Assessment, and Emotion Regulation.


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How to Cite

Nguyen, B. V., & Ngo, T. C. T. (2021). Using the internet for self-study to improve translation for English-majored seniors at Van Lang University . International Journal of TESOL & Education, 1(2), 110-147.

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