Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives on Adaptive Learning in Undergraduate Programs, Vietnam National University, Hanoi





adaptive learning, adaptive education, perspective, undergraduate programs


This study addresses the growing trend of adaptive learning in higher education, focusing on the under-explored area of faculty perspectives at Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU). The research aims to understand how 68 instructors perceive and implement adaptive learning in undergraduate programs. Conducted within the context of VNU, the study employs a mixed-methods approach: quantitative data collected through survey questionnaires and qualitative insights gained from semi-structured interviews. The results reveal diverse attitudes among instructors, highlighting varying levels of comfort and familiarity with adaptive learning strategies. Key findings suggest a need for targeted support and discourse to enhance the implementation of adaptive learning. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse by providing practical recommendations for improving adaptive learning at VNU, ultimately aiming to elevate the educational experience for both students and faculty.

Author Biographies

  • Duong Thi Thu Huyen, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, International School, Vietnam
    Duong Thi Thu Huyen, a Ph.D. candidate, focuses on language education, assessment, and educational management. She specializes in applied linguistics and delves into English language pedagogy, assessment methodologies, and educational administration. She is committed to teaching English and enhancing language skills and ensures fair language assessments. Huyen's research interests include academic English proficiency, cultural intersections in language education, and effective educational management. She aims to enrich language teaching practices, advance assessment strategies, and contribute to educational management, fostering a holistic approach to language education and assessment.
  • Nguyen Thi To Hoa, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, International School, Vietnam
    Dr. Nguyen Thi To Hoa is a lecturer at Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), International School (IS). She obtained her PhD in contrastive linguistics from Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and MA degree in ELT at University of Languages and International Studies,  VNUH. Her research interests include ELT and linguistics.
  • Hoang Tuyet Minh, Vietnam National University, International School, Hanoi, Vietnam

    Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hoang Tuyet Minh  is a linguist at Vietnam National University, International School. Specializing in comparative linguistics, theoretical linguistics, and applied linguistics, her research explores language structures and cultural nuances. With a focus on semantics, pragmatics, and language-culture relationships, she contributes significantly to theoretical linguistics. Dr. Minh also teaches courses like Theoretical Linguistics and Academic English Writing, mentoring students in research and writing skills. Her dedication to advancing linguistic knowledge and nurturing future scholars underscores her commitment to the field. Dr. Minh enriches the understanding of language's complexities and societal roles through research, teaching, and mentorship.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Duong, T. T. H., Nguyen, T. T. H., & Hoang, T. M. (2024). Exploring Teachers’ Perspectives on Adaptive Learning in Undergraduate Programs, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 4(3), 110-129. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.24437

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