Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Tertiary Institution of Vietnam





factors, EFL students’ attitudes, English as a foreign language, tertiary institution, Vietnam


The factor of students' learning attitudes undoubtedly affects their learning outcomes. This study investigates factors influencing Vietnamese students’ attitudes toward English learning in a tertiary institution in the Mekong region to help local educators enhance the quality of teaching and learning English in this region, considered a “low-land” in the education of Vietnam. This study was conducted qualitatively, using structured interviews to collect data from 69 first-year students. The study revealed that internal and external factors affected the students’ attitudes. Regarding the internal factors, students’ self-confidence, risk-taking willingness, anxiety, curiosity, and awareness of the importance of English in their future considerably impacted their attitudes towards English learning. On the other hand, the study found some external factors, including teaching and learning materials, content, curriculum design, and teacher-related factors, including teacher personalities, professional knowledge, teacher communication, and teacher attitudes. Some discussions, pedagogical implications, and recommendations were displayed at the end of the current paper.

Author Biographies

  • Le Xuan Mai, School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam

    LE Xuan Mai, Head of the Department of General English and English for Specific Purposes, School of Foreign Languages, Cantho University, Vietnam, obtained her doctorate degree in Education in Australia. Her research interests include English language teaching (ELT), ICT in ELT, teacher education, and teacher professional development.

  • Le Thanh Thao, School of Foreign Languages, Can Tho University, Can Tho, Vietnam

    LE Thanh Thao is a lecturer working at School of Foreign Languages of Cantho University, Vietnam. He is very interested in classroom-based research and educational change-related issues.


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Research Article

How to Cite

Le, X. M., & Le, T. T. (2022). Factors Affecting Students’ Attitudes towards Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Tertiary Institution of Vietnam. International Journal of TESOL & Education, 2(2), 168-185. https://doi.org/10.54855/ijte.22229

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